Join Hearthstone Designer Peter Whalen as he delves into the development of the new Spellstone cards coming in Hearthstone’s newest expansion: Kobolds & Catacombs.
There are stories of mysterious stones imbued with strange magics that can be found within the catacombs. Rumor has it that the Spellstones were forged for a dark purpose, but for now, they lie in the dust, inert, waiting for someone to awaken their power.
One type of Spellstone was created for each of the nine classes. Heroes that add Spellstones to their deck can awaken their power by taking specific actions while their Spellstone is in hand, though each one has a unique key:
Find us on Twitter using the #Kobolds hashtag to channel the latest Kobolds & Catacombs news. Visit KoboldsAndCatacombs.com and Facebook for a gallery of cards revealed thus far.
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