Galakrond's Awakening Chapter 1 - Live Now!

Galakrond's Awakening Chapter 1 - Live Now!

Galakrond's Awakening is Live!

The final solo adventure of the Year of the Dragon is here! Chapter 1 of Galakrond’s Awakening is now live. In Galakrond’s Awakening, you’ll experience the story of Arch-Villain Rafaam’s master plan from both sides as you play through two adventures in one.

League of E.V.I.L. Chapter: Battle of the Frozen Coast

The League of E.V.I.L. has reached Northrend to put the final stage of their plan into play. Dalaran soars in the skies carrying the Plague of Undeath, and the ultimate goal is now clear. Rafaam must resurrect Galakrond if he’s to be proclaimed the villain of all villains! But the League of Explorers is right behind them, allying with the dragon aspects to stop Galakrond’s return.

In this first chapter, you’ll take control of some familiar faces from past stories, including the arakkoa Kriziki and the fortune teller Madame Lazul. There are three encounters to complete in League of E.V.I.L. Chapter 1, including a battle against the dapper murloc Sir Finley.

Rewards overview:

Each individual chapter in Galakrond’s Awakening rewards cards that you can add to your collection! In this chapter, you will unlock:

League of Explorers Chapter: Battle of the Frozen Coast

The League of Explorers were victorious in the deserts of Uldum, stopping the Plague Lords from spreading doom and destruction across the world. However, not all dangers were contained in the Tombs of Terror. Dalaran now speeds toward Northrend carrying the Plague of Undeath, and where Rafaam goes, trouble follows.

You’ll begin by taking control of Brann Bronzebeard as the League of Explorers arrives to combat the League of E.V.I.L. However, the shores of Northrend are heavily fortified, and Dr. Boom lies in wait to fend off their first attack.

Rewards overview:

This first chapter in the League of Explorers comes with three bonus cards for a total of seven unlockable cards that you can add to your collection! Future League of Explorers chapters will include four unlockable cards.

You’ll unlock

Bonus Cards:

Chapter 1 is playable right now, including both the League of E.V.I.L. and League of Explorer campaigns. The League of E.V.I.L. chapter is free for all players, including the four collectible card rewards. By purchasing the complete Chapter 1 for $6.99 or 700 gold, you’ll immediately unlock the separate League of Explorers campaign for Chapter 1, three bonus collectible cards, as well as the four collectible cards rewarded for clearing encounters in the League of Explorers chapter. You can also purchase the Galakrond’s Awakening bundle, including all chapters, for $19.99.

Battle of the Frozen Coast. There are no Wizards there, however. I hear wizards are nice people. Especially north of Portland. Does anyone actually read the alt text?

Chapter 2 will be available next week – we’ll see you in Northrend!

All Cards Coming in Galakrond’s Awakening

Here’s every card you’ll be able to add to your collection by playing Galakrond’s Awakening. Remember, chapters roll out weekly, so these cards won’t be available until the chapter is!

Chapter 1

League of E.V.I.L.

[[Air Raid]]

[[Eye of the Storm]]

[[Twisted Knowledge]]

[[Bomb Wrangler]]

League of Explorers

[[Licensed Adventurer]]

[[Fresh Scent]]

[[Shadow Sculptor]]

[[Skydiving Instructor]]

[[Animated Avalanche]]

[[Winged Guardian]]

[[Dark Prophecy]]

Chapter 2

League of E.V.I.L.

[[Arcane Amplifier]]


[[Rising Winds]]

[[The Fist of Ra-den]]

League of Explorers

[[Fiendish Servant]]

[[Cleric of Scales]]

[[Explosive Evolution]]


Chapter 3

League of E.V.I.L.


[[Chopshop Copter]]

[[Risky Skipper]]

[[Boompistol Bully]]

League of Explorers

[[Rotnest Drake]]

[[Aeon Reaver]]


[[Sky Gen'ral Kragg]]

Chapter 4

League of E.V.I.L.

[[Frenzied Felwing]]

[[Boom Squad]]

[[Chaos Gazer]]

[[Grand Lackey Erkh]]

League of Explorers


[[Escaped Manasaber]]

[[Steel Beetle]]

[[The Amazing Reno]]

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