It’s time to step Into the Emerald Dream. Hearthstone’s latest expansion is now live with Imbued Hero Powers, Darks Gifts, Wild Gods, and more!
Patch 32.0 starts the Year of the Raptor with Hearthstone’s latest expansion, Standard rotation, Core Set updates, a huge balance patch, community days, and more!
Explore your dreams with a new Rewards Track!
See new cards and upcoming balance changes in action before we officially step Into the Emerald Dream!
Our celebration of our universes, connection, and community is coming back to the Anaheim Convention Center next year.
Hearthstone esports are back with more events, more opportunities to compete, and more paths to become World Champion!
Patch 31.6.2 includes Battlegrounds updates, bug fixes, and a message from the Hearthstone balance team.
Peer through the portal Into the Emerald Dream for your first looks at Hearthstone’s next expansion!
Patch 31.6 opens the portal Into the Emerald Dream, Hearthstone’s next expansion!
See what’s in store for Hearthstone’s upcoming year, starting soon!
Patch 31.4.2 brings bug fixes and balance changes to Standard, Battlegrounds, and Arena.
Whether you’re new to Hearthstone or coming back after some time away, learn how to jump in, maximize your rewards, and start enjoying the new Heroes of StarCraft Mini-Set!
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