A sacred fount of untold power and rich history, the Sunwell was created from a vial of water taken from the Well of Eternity! For over nine thousand years these mystical waters empowered the high elves and now the power can be yours! Introducing: The Sunwell card back!
These card backs replace the art decorating the reverse side of your cards and show off your ability to harness the potent energy of the well. Add this mark of power to your collection by hitting Rank 20 in either Standard or Wild Ranked Play modes. You’ll receive the Sunwell card back at the end of May’s Ranked Play Season in your Ranked Play reward chest.
You earn Ranked Play reward chests based on your highest earned rank over the course of a Ranked Play season. Reward chests may contain seasonal card backs, Arcane Dust, and golden cards, and can be obtained by playing in either Standard or Wild Ranked Play modes. You’ll be awarded one chest per Ranked Play season based on your highest rank between the two modes.
Powerful ley energies have converged on Hearthstone. Show you have what it takes to harness these potent, arcane power. Dive into Hearthstone today and claim your power from the Sunwell!
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