Fireside Gathering Features – Now Live!

Fireside Gathering Features – Now Live!

Fireside Gatherings are about to be bigger and better than ever, because they’re getting in-game support! We’re making it easier to find local gatherings and play games with fellow attendees: introducing new in-person Fireside Brawls!

Read on to find out more about what’s in store for you at your next Fireside Gathering!

Fireside Brawls

Fireside Brawls are special Tavern Brawls that can only be played at Fireside Gatherings! Each month there will be a different Fireside Brawl to try. These special brawls run the whole month with no breaks, and they co-exist with the weekly Tavern Brawls.

Many Fireside Brawls are designed with in-person gaming in mind, so they promise to be both unique and fun Hearthstone experiences with new friends. Others will be returning Tavern Brawl favorites with a Fireside twist!

Head over to to find out what the new Fireside Brawl is each month, and to get all the latest Fireside Gatherings news.


At Your Fingertips

When you attend a Tavern while a Fireside Gathering is under way, Hearthstone will know it! Not only will you see the Tavern sign and get access to Fireside Brawls, but all your fellow attendees will also appear on your Friends list too, so it’s fast and easy to find a new friend to face off against or partner up with.

Don’t forget to enable location services on your mobile device when you attend a Fireside to take advantage of the new features!

Support Your Local Tavern

Fireside Gathering Innkeepers* who have hosted at least one Fireside Gathering with checked-in guests can now found a Tavern on the Fireside Gatherings website! There they can give their Tavern a unique name and design a Tavern sign that perfectly embodies the spirit of their communities! Taverns will persist between gatherings, so they need your attendance and support to grow!

When you attend a Fireside Gathering at a Tavern, a sign will flip down in your Hearthstone client to let you know which Tavern you’re attending. It’s a cool way for every Fireside Gathering Tavern to have its very own identity and flavor.



Innkeepers, we’ve whipped up some materials that can download to add some pizzazz to your events; Quest logs give your guests goals to shoot for, round robin tournament sheets for those with a little friendly competition in mind, and even Fireside Gathering bingo anyone can play.

Some of these sheets are blank, so you can add your own text to personalize them for your gathering! 

Pre-formatted Bingo Cards Color

1 2 3 4 5

Pre-formatted Bingo Cards Monochrome

1 2 3 4 5

Thanks for joining us! We hope to see you in the Tavern soon!

*Innkeepers must also have completed the “Win 3 Games” quest and qualify for the Hearthsteed achievement before submitting a Fireside Gathering application. 

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