Hearthstone: Saviors of Uldum – Launching August 6

Hearthstone: Saviors of Uldum – Launching August 6


Now that the magical floating city of Dalaran is firmly within his kleptomaniacal clutches, Arch-Villain Rafaam and his crew of notorious ne’er-do-wells have travelled south to Uldum - the land of hidden treasures, plagues, mummies, and (thanks to the League of E.V.I.L.’s arrival) MAYHEM!

Though their ultimate goals are still shrouded in mystery, the next phase of their plan appears to be well underway. Now, if only there were a motley crew of courageous treasure hunters up to the task of thwarting these misguided malcontents…

Evil may be on the rise in the dusty deserts of Uldum, but hope is here in the form of the League of Explorers! Join Reno, Elise, Brann, and Sir Finley as they unearth treasures, battle bad guys, and take on the oh-so-simple task of saving the world in Hearthstone’s newest expansion, Saviors of Uldum!

New Saviors of Uldum Game Board!

Launching worldwide on August 6, Saviors of Uldum is Hearthstone’s newest expansion, and the next installment in our multi-expansion story spanning the entire Year of the Dragon. In Saviors of Uldum you’ll be introduced to 135 scorching hot new cards, added game features, and brand-new exciting mechanics!



The magic of Azeroth’s Titans and Tol’vir has seeped into the dunes of Uldum’s ancient burial tombs. Now, death is more of a suggestion for the restless crypt-dwellers and temple-crawlers found within.

New Keyword – Reborn


Minions with the Reborn Keyword will return to life the first time they’re destroyed, but with 1 remaining Health.


The League of E.V.I.L. will stop at nothing to see their dastardly plans come to fruition… even if there’s a little collateral damage along the way.

Introducing – Plagues


Plagues are spells of ancient power wielded by the 5 League of E.V.I.L. classes (Priest, Shaman, Warrior, Warlock, and Rogue.) These cards wreak havoc indiscriminately, affecting every Minion on the board, so it’s best to be the one who decides when they’re unleashed.


No matter if they’re working to further the League of E.V.I.L.’s nefarious goals, or in cahoots with Reno’s ramshackle rapscallions to dismantle those despicable evil-doers, every adventurer worth their sand needs a Quest…

Re-Introducing – Quests


As with existing Quest cards, these Legendary 1-Mana cards start in your hand and, once played, their progress will track above your Hero portrait. After your quest is complete, you’ll be immediately rewarded with a game-changing new Hero Power


As the dunes churn and cards previously hidden under sands of Uldum are revealed in the coming weeks, you’ll be introduced to some cards with exciting and powerful effects, as well as some familiar returning mechanics. Stay tuned to Hearthstone on social media to find out when new cards will be revealed!

Stay tuned to Hearthstone on social media to find out when new cards will be revealed!


Pre-purchase one or both Saviors of Uldum Bundles to unlock bonuses of heroic proportions!

Saviors of Uldum Mega Bundle

This bundle includes 80 Saviors of Uldum card packs, the Elise Starseeker Druid Hero, the Elise Starseeker card back, and a random Saviors of Uldum Golden Legendary card!

Saviors of Uldum Bundle

This bundle includes 50 Saviors of Uldum card packs, the Elise Starseeker card back, and a random Saviors of Uldum Golden Legendary card!

Pre-purchase Now!


Start your adventure with a bang - Log into Hearthstone starting at the launch of Saviors of Uldum, and for 90 days afterwards, to receive a random Legendary Quest Card!


There’s bound to be plenty of work left to be done in the desert, so fuel your lanterns, oil your whips, and prepare to saddle up your riding camels - The League of Explorers will most certainly need your assistance in September’s Saviors of Uldum Solo Adventure. More details coming soon!



Basic and Classic setsLeague of ExplorersJourney to Un'GoroKobolds & CatacombsRastakhan's RumbleSaviors of Uldaman

With the launch of Saviors of Uldum, the Arena will rotate to a new pool of cards from the following list of available sets:

Stay tuned for more information on when the Arena will rotate again!



Can’t wait until launch day to pop open your packs? Check out a Saviors of Uldum pre-release event from August 2 – 5 to open packs early and experience Hearthstone in a brand new way!

Pre-release events!

Keep an eye on www.firesidegatherings.com to find more details closer to the event dates, and to find a Saviors of Uldum pre-release event near you!

The League of Explorers will be rappelling into Hearthstone with the launch of Saviors of Uldum on August 6, so you’d better start dusting off your fedoras and practicing your flexplosions!


Until then, we’ll see you in the tavern!

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