Lady Prestor and Kazakus have been pulling the strings from the shadows all year. But while they’ve been scheming, the mercenaries of the Horde and Alliance have grown stronger, and closer. Now these max-level heroes have formed a raiding party, and are charging headlong into Onyxia’s Lair. They’ll have to use all they learned this year to take down powerful Dragons and recover the fallen Naaru!
The Onyxia’s Lair Mini-Set, launching worldwide on February 15, consists of 35 distinct cards: 4 Legendary cards, 1 Epic card, 14 Rare cards, and 16 Common cards. Those new cards can be found in Fractured in Alterac Valley packs, or you can get the entire 66-card* Mini-Set for $14.99 or 2000 Gold! For the first time ever, we are also offering the option to buy an all-Golden set of all 66 Mini-Set cards for $69.99!
* Includes one copy of each Legendary card and two copies of each other card, for a full playable set of all cards in the Mini-Set.
Powerful New Dragons
Surprise! Lady Prestor and Kazakus were dragons this whole time. And they’re not the only ones. Onyxia’s Lair is chock-full of new dragons that can add some real fire-power to your decks!
Returning Mechanics
You can’t get through a max-level raid without picking up a good trick or two along the way. Show these Dragons what you’ve learned with returning mechanics from throughout the Year of the Gryphon!
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