Step Into the Emerald Dream, Hearthstone’s Next Expansion

Step Into the Emerald Dream, Hearthstone’s Next Expansion

Into the Emerald Dream

Hearthstone’s Next Expansion

The Emerald Dream is a realm of ethereal entities and the source of all Nature magic on Azeroth. But Ysera’s domain is under attack from a creeping corruption, threatening to turn the Dream into a Nightmare! Will you Imbue your Hero Power with blessings from the World Tree or accept the Dark Gifts of the Old Gods? Choose One and rally massive Wild Gods to your cause. The portal is opening; prepare to step Into the Emerald Dream!

Into the Emerald Dream launches on March 25 with 145 new cards! You can find the Into the Emerald Dream reveal schedule, and all cards already revealed, in the official Card Library. Check back often to see everything we’re dreaming up!


New Keyword: Imbue

Druid, Hunter, Mage, Paladin, Priest, and Shaman have rallied together to defend the World Tree. In return, it has imbued them with its power! The first time one of these classes plays an Imbue card, they will get a new Imbued Hero Power, specific to their class. Each subsequent time they Imbue their Hero Power, all the numbers in its text improve, so they get stronger as the battle rages on! For example, Hunter has been granted the Blessing of the Wolf:


Imbued Hero Powers are specific to that class, so classes that don’t have Imbued Hero Powers get no effect from Imbue cards.

New Keyword: Dark Gifts

Agents of the Old Gods seek to corrupt the Emerald Dream and turn it into the Emerald Nightmare! They offer Dark Gifts to empower those who would join their cause. Dark Gifts are minion power-ups that pair with certain Discover options in Death Knight, Demon Hunter, Rogue, Warlock, and Warrior. Discover the best minion-Gift combination for the biggest impact!


There are 10 different Dark Gifts that can be applied to your minion Discover options:

  • +3 Attack and Lifesteal
  • +2/+2 and Elusive
  • Costs (2) less, but has -2 Attack. (Only offered on minions whose Attack would not reduce below 1)
  • Charge
  • When you play this, summon a 2/2 copy of it.
  • This minion’s Battlecries trigger twice. (Only offered on minions with Battlecries)
  • +4 Health and Taunt
  • Reborn. Is Reborn with full health and enchantments.
  • +4/+5. Place this card on top of your deck.
  • Divine Shield, Windfury

Whenever you Discover with a Dark Gift, you will get offered three different Dark Gift options tied to the three different minions.

Massive Wild Gods

The Wild Gods are powerful ancient entities that can swing the battle of the World Tree in your favor. Some have already succumbed to the corruption, so each class gets a Legendary Wild God minion to fight for their side.


Expanded Keyword: Choose One

Druids get their power from tapping into the Emerald Dream. While in the Emerald Dream, every class can sample that power with their own Choose One card—available for the first time outside of the Druid class!



Ysera, Emerald Aspect Login Reward Available Now!

The Emerald Dream is Ysera’s domain. Where she steps, life springs forth, and her mere presence expands the realm of possibility. Log in now to get the Legendary minion, Ysera, Emerald Aspect, and dream a little bigger!*


* Limited one per account. After Patch 32.4, Ysera, Emerald Aspect will be granted upon opening your first Into the Emerald Dream pack, instead of upon login.

Claim the Creature of Madness in the Shop!

The corruption has already started seeping into the Tavern. Go to the in-game Shop and claim a Dark Gift from the Old Gods: 2 copies of the Creature of Madness Common minion!*


* Available to be claimed until Patch 32.4.

Pre-Release Tavern Brawl and Community Events Return

We have a whole suite of slumber parties leading up to launch! See what your favorite creators will dream up and earn Into the Emerald Dream packs by watching the official Theorycrafting Stream, coming March 13. Then, earn more packs during March 18-22 Community Days. Use your packs, and earn even more, in the returning Pre-Release Tavern Brawl from March 18-25. Look out for more details on all these community events towards the end of reveal season, you don’t want to sleep on these!


Pre-Purchase Into the Emerald Dream Now!

The Into the Emerald Dream Mega Bundle includes 80 Into the Emerald Dream packs, 10 Golden Into the Emerald Dream packs, 1 Signature Malorne the Waywatcher Legendary minion, 1 random Golden Into the Emerald Dream Legendary card, 4 Tavern Tickets, and the Ysera Card Back and Druid Hero Skin!


The Into the Emerald Dream Bundle includes 60 Into the Emerald Dream packs, 2 random Into the Emerald Dream Legendary cards, and the Ysera Card Back!


Pre-purchase bundles are available until the expansion launches on March 25, but pre-purchase cards, packs, and Tavern Tickets can be used in the Pre-Release Tavern Brawl, starting on March 18. Don’t give up on your dreams; get your bundle and join in the fun!



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