Descent of Dragons is Now Live!



It has come to this. Rafaam and his League of E.V.I.L. have set the final stage of their plan into motion: to resurrect Galakrond, the progenitor of all dragonkind. But the League of Explorers is hot on their heels...and they're bringing a few dragons of their own.

Take to the skies — Descent of Dragons is now live!



Those aligned with E.V.I.L. have the opportunity to resurrect Galakrond, who will manifest into one of five variations based on your class. Best of all, when you go to open your first Descent of Dragons card pack, you’ll recieve all five Galakrond cards for free! Learn more about Galakrond in our Draconic Details blog.

New Keyword: Invoke

A newly awakened proto-dragon is frightening enough on its own, but Galakrond's strength grows as his followers Invoke him.

Playing any card with the Invoke keyword will enhance Galakrond's power and enable even greater devastation.


You may be familiar with quests, which provide rewards for completing specific objectives during your matches. Sidequests follow that tradition, but have shorter, easier-to-complete objectives to allow you to earn victory more quickly — or even complete multiple sidequests in one game.

New Spells: Dragon Breath

The mightiest dragons come with the mightiest dragon breaths. Gain the upper hand over your enemies with these powerful spells that become more powerful if you're holding a dragon.

Login Rewards and Legendary Quests

All players who log in to Hearthstone during Descent of Dragons will receive the five Galakrond cards above as well as two Shield of Galakrond cards.

In addition, a new legendary quest line will be available starting today, granting Descent of Dragon packs, packs from Rise of Shadows and Saviors of Uldum, and a 200 Gold reward.

The Shield of Galakrond cards can be claimed until March 10, 2020. The legendary quest line is available until March 16, 2020. Limit one set of Descent of Dragons login rewards per account.

Arena Rotation

A new arena rotation awaits! As of today, the arena now includes cards from the following sets:

Basic and Classic setsBlackrock MountainThe Grand TournamentOne Night in KarazhanKnights of the Frozen ThroneRastakhan's RumbleDescent of Dragons



Galakrond's Awakening

The final battle in the Year of the Dragon's solo adventure story arc is Galakrond's Awakening, coming this January! We won't spoil too much, but we hope you're ready to battle E.V.I.L. (or good) and collect 35 new cards! More details on Galakrond's Awakening will be coming soon.

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