Hearthstone™ Test Season 1 Final Rankings – North America

Hearthstone™ Test Season 1 Final Rankings – North America

Today, we’d like to share with you the final standings of Ranked Play Test Season 1 from the North American Hearthstone closed beta test. Many of you have been participating in Ranked Play mode and offering your feedback on Hearthstone, but these players have gone the extra mile and worked their way up the current ladder system to become the top ranked Hearthstone players in North America.

This information is currently not immediately visible in-game and we are offering it as a nod of appreciation to those who continue to test, participate, and compete in our new Ranked Play mode. This data displays the final standings for Ranked Play Test Season 1.

Ranked Play Test Season 2 is currently underway! For more information on Test Season 2, please go here.

Pull up a chair and join us in recognizing the top ranked Hearthstone players in North America for Test Season 1!

Update: The list that was provided on January 10th had some errors and has been updated as of January 13th.

Rating BattleTag Rank
1 Savjz L
2 rushwizard L
3 Razor L
4 Realz L
5 kitkatz L
6 Zoombuh L
7 Retropelet L
8 Briggles L
9 BoLiN L
10 Nandieb L
11 Stoyven L
12 weet L
13 Alchemixt L
14 memz L
15 XzaM L
16 Rotspanier L
17 Bounds L
18 JAB L
19 HummyHero L
20 Darkorange L
21 JigglesMcFly L
22 johnnyd23 L
23 Phantiks L
24 Exactable L
25 danesky L
26 bma L
27 Elfflame L
28 ekcolnovkol L
29 Zalphx L
30 postman L
31 Monkey L
32 LuigEzz L
33 StrifeCro L
34 Zeys L
35 Draven L
36 socordia L
37 Puree L
38 Ditka L
39 indY L
40 pelon L
41 Wampie L
42 Barbalel L
43 Chappers L
44 Snuss L
45 shouri L
46 Sockem L
47 Seraphim L
48 AstroStone L
49 eASe L
50 kierpanda L
51 curi L
52 Giraffe L
53 Vylo L
54 Reere L
55 AbusedGod L
56 reynad L
57 Failfellow L
58 Mickin L
59 Ninwak L
60 ChrisCMoi L
61 xASGxSlayerx L
62 Yuno L
63 ozhe L
64 kalince L
65 Pkughost L
66 zRusheR L
67 Mazer L
68 Supernova L
69 Shades L
70 hossdrop L
72 Terence L
73 sLayinkings L
74 Vinny L
75 Mutubah L
76 Mandraxhair L
77 Reu L
78 purGe L
79 Wildstorm L
80 Coopy L
81 Vince L
82 PeRFeCK L
83 TurvyTopsy L
84 PorNsTaRrrrr L
85 phrenik L
86 Lucidus L
87 GaryGuan L
88 Deception5 L
89 DjBigRuss L
90 Dayoni L
91 nine L
92 Riesig L
93 Paul L
94 blueblurr L
95 EteRnalAKX L
96 monk L
97 Ðart L
98 adyb L
99 Revelaxion L
100 Gunba L