In this Hearthstone patch, we’re addressing some bugs as well as making balance changes to Leeroy Jenkins and Starving Buzzard. To view our in-depth explanation on the Leeroy Jenkins and Starving Buzzard changes, please visit our forum thread here.
The full patch notes are below!
Card Changes
- Leeroy Jenkins (Neutral) now costs 5 (up from 4)
- Leeroy Jenkins created a strategy that revolved around trying to defeat your opponent in one turn without requiring any cards on the board. We like having a variety of deck types but taking 20+ damage in one turn is not very fun or interactive.
- The amount of dust that you get from disenchanting Leeroy Jenkins has been temporarily increased such that it is equal to the amount of dust that it would have originally cost to craft it.
- Starving Buzzard (Hunter) now costs 5 (up from 2) and now has 3 Attack and 2 Health (up from 2 Attack and 1 Health)
- The amount of cards Starving Buzzard allowed Hunter players to draw ultimately ended up being too excessive for its low cost. This change will allow the Hunter’s opponent more time to react to both the Starving Buzzard and the cards drawn by its power.
Bug Fixes
- Hired gnomish engineers to improve the in-game chat bubbles to reduce clipping.
- Resolved various bugs and issues.
- [iPad] Improved overall performance, especially for iPad 2 and iPad mini.
- [iPad] Resolved an issue where the Hearthstone client could sometimes crash when returning to the client from a locked iPad state.
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