We’re on the cusp of the new Hearthstone Year! This Hearthstone update puts the final touches in place for the Year of the Raven and the launch of Hearthstone’s latest expansion, The Witchwood! We’re also adding Lunara, the new Druid Hero, Daily Quest improvements, Friendly Challenge deck sharing, Arena updates, and new card backs. We’re also fixing some bugs.
Read on to learn more!
Brave The Witchwood on April 12!
Join the best monster hunters of Gilneas as they seek out the source of a dreadful curse in a haunted forest! The evil in the woods will soon learn that it’s bitten off more than it can chew, because the people of Gilneas bite back!
The Witchwood features:
- 135 hair-raising new cards
- New keywords: Rush and Echo
- Even and Odd decks – Build a deck with Genn Greymane or Baku the Mooneater to boost your Hero Power, but you’ll only be able to use even- or odd-cost cards!
- For a limited time after The Witchwood arrives, log in to claim three card packs and a random class Legendary card—both from new expansion—for free!
- The Witchwood’s challenging, free single-player mode, Monster Hunt, opens in two weeks!
Time is short! The Witchwood pre-purchase bundle will only remain available until 11:59 p.m. PDT on April 11. This bundle includes 50 card packs at a special price, as well as 20 more bonus card packs and the In a Dark Wood card back!
Year of the Raven
- The Year of the Raven begins when The Witchwood launches!
- When the new year arrives, Standard decks can be created with the following sets:
- Basic
- Classic
- Journey to Un’Goro
- Knights of the Frozen Throne
- Kobolds & Catacombs
- The Witchwood
- The following sets will become exclusive to Wild:
- Whispers of the Old Gods
- One Night in Karazhan
- Mean Streets of Gadgetzan
- The following cards will go to Hall of Fame and will become exclusive to Wild:
- Ice Block
- Coldlight Oracle
- Molten Giant – Molten Giant is being reduced to its original mana cost of 20. The change happens when the patch goes live, even though the card will move to the Hall of Fame with the release of The Witchwood.
- Once the Year of the Raven begins, you will receive the full Arcane Dust value of these cards without needing to disenchant them (up the maximum number that can be used in a deck).
New Druid Hero: Lunara
- Earn Lunara by winning 10 Standard Ranked or Casual games after the new Year of the Raven arrives!
Daily Quest Updates
- All quests that previously awarded 40 gold will now award 50 gold.
- Most Daily Quests are now easier to complete.
- Note: Quests acquired prior to this patch will keep old requirements and rewards.
Friendly Challenge Deck Sharing
- Now you can share your decks with friends during a Friendly Challenge!
- This feature isn’t available for Tavern Brawl or Fireside Brawl.
Noblegarden is Coming
- We’ve begun preparing the Tavern for an egg-cellent event coming in Spring.
Added the following card backs:
- Raise the Roof – Acquired from winning five games in Ranked Play, April 2018
- Monster Hunter – Acquired from completing the Monster Hunt with all four heroes and defeating the evil in The Witchwood.
- Lunara’s Garden – Acquired from winning five games in Ranked Play, May 2018
Arena Updates
- Moderately reduced the appearance rates of below average cards.
- Humongous Razorleaf and Ancient Watcher will no longer appear in Arena drafts.
- The Enrage keyword has been retired. These minions still work the same way, but have re-phrased card text.
- The Rampage Daily Quest to play 10 Enrage minions has been removed.
- Deathstalker Rexxar’s Hero Power has been updated to include Beasts from Kobolds & Catacombs and The Witchwood.
- Minions now only break Stealth when attacking. Damage dealt by card abilities, such as Knife Juggler’s knife throw, no longer breaks Stealth.
- Cards that were burned, such as by drawing cards when your hand is full, will now appear in match history.
- The animated glows signifying that a card’s ability has been activated in your hand have been adjusted to make them easier to distinguish without relying on color.
- The red “X” on daily quests in the Quest Log has been replaced with a new blue “reroll” icon.
- Added additional Search functionality in the Collection Manager to support even- and odd-cost cards. Use Mana:Even and Mana:Odd.
- New Daily Quest—Catch a Big One: "Defeat 3 Monster Hunt Bosses."
- Fixed a bug where certain cost-reduction effects, such as Ethereal Peddler or Shadowstep, were not removed when transformed by cards such as Lilian Voss or Golden Kobold.
- Fixed various issues associated with spells cast by Scroll of Wonder.
- Doomerang’s effect no longer incorrectly counts as destroying the equipped weapon for the purposes of interacting with minion or card abilities.
- Playing Grand Archivist while Nozdormu is in play will no longer sometimes skip an opponent’s turn.
- Duplicates created by Doppelgangster will now correctly trigger their Val’anyr Deathrattles while Spiritsinger Umbra is in play.
- Lesser Pearl Spellstone now upgrades correctly when a Hero receives healing from two different sources at the same time.
- V-07-TR-0N will now properly destroy the other friendly mechs in play when formed from Mimiron's Head while Warsong Commander is in play.
- Fixed an issue that could cause a disconnect when returning Lord Jaraxxus to a player’s hand before its Battlecry resolves.
- Genzo the Shark will no longer activate twice if his attack is redirected.
- Crypt Lord no longer buffs itself after it is destroyed by an effect that summons a friendly minion.
- Madam Goya will no longer destroy the targeted minion if your deck is full.
- Serrated Shield now correctly displays bonuses from Spell Damage.
- Stand Against the Darkness can no longer be cast when your board is full.
- [Android] Fixed an issue that could cause instability when browsing card backs in the Collection Manager.
- Fixed various minor UI and Animation issues.
- Improved the phrasing of some cards.
Dungeon Run
- Your spells will no longer gain the Stealth keyword if you chose the Cloak of Invisibility.
- Using Scroll of Confusion will no longer prevent a minion that you control from attacking.
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