Top Hearthstone Players - March 2018

Top Hearthstone Players - March 2018

The final results for Hearthstone Ranked Standard, Wild, and Arena play in March 2018 are in!

The players featured below have employed top notch deck building skills, in-the-moment decision making, and unyielding dedication to achieve a most noteworthy feat!

This month, Arena rankings take players’ best 15 consecutive Arena runs from March 12 to March 31. From next month onward, monthly Arena rankings will always take players’ best 30 consecutive Arena runs regardless of game events or format changes.

Pour a toast, pull up a chair, and join us in recognizing Hearthstone’s top Ranked Standard*, Wild, and Arena players in the Americas region!

Rank Battletag
3 lambyseries
4 UchihaSaske
5 Qwerty97
6 SteveD
7 Meati
8 Jarla
9 Swidz
10 Hoej
11 iNS4NE
12 Steelo
13 wabeka
14 Fenomeno
15 Disdai
16 pokrovac
17 b787
18 TheMaverick
19 Leta
20 Jaekyll
21 hunterace
22 Rostovmax
23 MegaGliscor
24 Level9001
25 b4bana
26 patoyao
27 Sequinox
28 FroStee
29 Casie
30 bloodyface
31 rayC
32 Ryuuzu
33 Taesang
34 FibEli3
35 ntR
36 PapaJason
37 BoarControl
38 noblord
39 Ruby
40 Gogongsing
41 Pr0d1gy
42 Hearthstoner
43 Seiko
44 justsaiyan
45 Mryagut
46 Zalae
47 Klei
48 Bunnyhoppor
49 TerrenceM
50 Houdinii
51 zlsjs
52 BeNice
53 matff
54 tenergy
55 Grant
56 posesi
57 katsucurry
58 Alan870806
59 Yinus
61 Piyobot
62 killinallday
63 aqua
64 garifar
65 ahqRoger
66 Cool
67 발레스트라
68 Pignas
69 espumito
70 MaxTheRipper
71 lnguagehackr
72 seiger
73 Lucas
74 s8ris
75 glory
76 Ant
77 Joaquin
78 Justine
79 Nicslay
80 riku97
81 Rage
82 Tarei
83 starworld111
84 jad346
85 GundamFlame
87 BustaJ
88 chosenone
89 물리왕
90 caravaggio8
91 CitizenNappa
92 sjowyuicy
93 DawN
94 Arawn
95 ViperPro
96 reall
97 RageSquad
98 dog
99 BowserRoar
100 Fame
101 xprot
102 Jakaso27
103 AKAWonder
104 AZSwim
105 Pascoa
106 MeatUshijima
107 Stitch
108 seohyun628
109 Tars
110 香菇奾汁
111 matuko
113 Rapion
114 Electrify
115 pksnow
116 Monsanto
117 Majyqman
118 Redtea
119 순이
120 Virtual
121 Twink
122 Londgrem
123 horo
124 Gaindalf
125 Janetzky
126 Macheen
127 TheJordude
128 DocPwn
130 vbay03
131 Mogumi
133 Metallic
134 Yaraki
135 DWU
136 blueblurr
137 Cheqmate
138 Kapi
140 Izzy
141 GreenSheep
142 Vardu
143 A83650
144 Rezdan
145 Joth703
146 zumpp
147 oyatsu
148 icer
149 simonedeho
150 Matteo
151 Zyrios
152 Jonahrah
153 Usedpapercup
154 SilverByz
155 fire
156 KremePuff
157 Yak
158 Akumaker
159 Tastatur
160 JamesBond
161 Hammerfeet
162 Avaritia
163 mcsongi92
164 Botticus
165 x420Blaziken
166 Deathsie
167 TheBigMac
168 DimitriKazov
169 Joller
170 Tansoku
171 Gladen99
172 Florindo
173 Viper
174 Zeh
175 YAYtears
176 Rase
177 XOST
178 Chakki
179 fzmushko
180 Xixo
181 DouAhou
182 Amnesiac
183 Gallon
184 Odemian
185 Kono
186 UrgentSloth
187 Fire
188 nukesaku
189 Elto
190 Theo
191 Mitsuhide
192 KingOfType89
193 kevin
194 DarkShadow
195 RaitO
196 ute1234
197 Madara
198 MoleGamez
199 Sintolol
200 Guiyze
Rank Battletag
1 Dean
2 Pyr0s
3 DodoGizmo
4 Goshawk
5 Jonahrah
6 kluge
7 Milithemir
8 Nightmare
9 ShackDaddy
10 MetricTrout
11 Modius
12 BattMasile
13 Peter
14 frantano
15 Dolph1nately
16 Elvensblade
17 Yrahcaz36
18 amplive
19 Blackscarab
21 JayPower
22 FoxyFox
23 majinbxr
24 Applecat
25 Arlos
26 TheRaven
27 Weatherlight
28 Yano
29 maddogmatt
30 らいら
31 jin
32 sohmax
33 Ryuuzu
34 LoreMastrEve
35 Tangsin
36 BananaHammok
37 PsyKK
38 Eltaen
39 awedragon
40 Thee5fthax
41 Ashenshugar
42 WinterWizard
44 thebossdde
45 ShiangChen
46 Apson
47 mooingsheep
48 Xcrouton
49 HappiKenny
50 Severian
51 Garzak
52 Matbat99
53 Hadeson
54 Hyxios
55 slizzle466
56 Splitface
57 gorky
58 Roffle
59 rickbr
60 Wololo
61 Kalevolent
62 Daxter777
63 AZSwim
64 ElPrimo
65 BurritoJesus
66 Downlar
67 sjowyuicy
68 Enberg
69 ReganisPrime
70 KremePuff
71 TDarkSlayer
72 Seviang
73 TimDuncan
74 TreeBagger
75 Pino
76 Pact
77 Gankplang
78 sinyang
79 Titans
80 MeatyOwlLegs
81 Aroma
82 iiiiiiiiiiii
83 DiegoBrando
84 WhelpLaid
85 Ghostdog
86 Skeetch24
87 GetMeowth
89 Butts
90 Buckslayer88
91 PernOctopus
92 Oswerone
93 Raijuu
94 calc1223
95 monk3ywrench
96 soursurfer
97 Jimbo
98 DrFreakberg
99 Rks
100 ChristianMom
101 LawlietDuart
102 Cosa
103 JarryGuy
104 Perchy
105 DrNeems
106 Monk
107 V1K1NG
108 Lumble
109 Skeptic
110 rogerclee
111 Bananaramic
112 cake
113 Robotninja
114 Shwitz44
115 DnkDanzy
116 ColdSnapSP
117 Gadwen
118 cauliflower
119 LevityHS
120 Smaugbelly
121 Goooblin93
122 xia0cai
123 bobbyex
124 HanSolo
125 IndianNinja
126 MaximumBoy
127 cluelesspug
128 bankies
129 JJJ
130 Mul
131 Leogcb
132 Kankka
133 OldDrache
135 Redtim29
136 Cuchilla
137 BillyLeBully
138 Allen
139 Palpelo
140 Maddocktor
141 Ninjamagic
142 Clingywin
143 Marburg
144 Richierich
145 keithnumbers
146 NightKnight
147 Hisoka
148 xxcarlosxx
149 BamBoost
150 Memnarch
151 ChoiSangHoon
152 Moos
153 LouRolfes
154 olympus
155 richMizer
156 Alec
157 JasonNBK
158 Rofellos
159 Felwynter
160 LithiumLeech
161 ZealThief
162 Kwisatch
163 luminescents
164 ZombieDust
166 Itsuki
167 TRON
168 magikman
169 spritecan
170 stazed
171 Nator
173 Suvixon
174 FRID
175 Noradz
176 Buffy
177 Soper
178 Dilpickle515
179 RabidPlatypu
180 Captain
181 TTF#11399
182 ArcKalocal
183 Rabidking
184 JohnKimble
185 Mtgsquirrel
186 Zach
187 Ihamburgle
188 HugeEyesCat
189 Grondus
190 Ruixiang
191 Osmar18
192 Desperado
193 Fester
194 AgentZero
195 Samuel74717
196 Fable
197 Chenanigans
198 KittyCat666
199 Tohsaka
200 Galroc
Rank Battletag Average Wins
1 CHARLIEiggy 8.47
2 DeadlyPants 8.47
3 Naslund 8.40
4 tigerlash 8.27
5 cleanup141 8.27
6 Phleetwood 8.20
7 TwoThirtyTwo 8.20
8 Zamos 8.13
9 Amaz 8.13
10 BruceLeet 8.13
11 Middle 8.07
12 dreads 8.00
13 Near 8.00
14 mordred 8.00
15 Amaso 7.93
16 Calka 7.93
17 Genieboi 7.93
18 Karmademon 7.93
19 Avista 7.93
20 PainofMind 7.93
21 Hoyviken 7.80
22 Psychedelic 7.80
23 Talriel 7.80
24 KellenAbel 7.80
25 BrianWong 7.80
26 Kreutzer 7.80
27 krownmeking 7.80
28 Polygonz 7.80
29 denske 7.73
30 Yumeno 7.73
31 SuperSB 7.73
32 WJSProwler 7.73
33 GabeLF 7.67
34 Shyft4 7.67
35 jakesdabest 7.67
36 bnjy99 7.67
37 User 7.67
38 FormatMan 7.67
39 Nevermo 7.67
40 Dewey 7.60
41 Save 7.60
42 Mancubus4 7.60
43 HoangHai 7.53
44 TeppyRS 7.53
45 FrankDaFish 7.53
46 gunbread 7.53
47 LOL 7.53
48 CBEAEM 7.53
49 MrL 7.53
50 LazyTitan 7.53
51 Arcanan 7.53
52 Yogurtslinga 7.53
53 jellybanana 7.47
54 Hadeson 7.47
55 WhiteRebel 7.47
56 LuckyPants 7.47
57 Emlur 7.47
58 Briyou 7.47
59 willander 7.47
60 Celeritas 7.47
61 Rrrubick 7.47
62 mainecoon 7.47
63 PeterBaelish 7.47
64 blah1 7.47
65 Prayze42 7.40
66 TheCheat 7.40
67 Dwarm 7.40
68 UtherDoul 7.40
69 Toorop 7.40
70 Carey 7.40
71 Hoagithor 7.40
72 Timmylol 7.40
73 Kartoffel 7.40
74 Etoce 7.40
75 Dub 7.33
76 NgAnhTuan 7.33
77 TitanEtereo 7.33
78 Hogger 7.33
79 dysnomia 7.33
80 Glebe 7.33
81 Golken 7.33
82 ProwlingWolf 7.33
83 Townee 7.33
84 Azure 7.27
85 gridman 7.27
86 Rui 7.27
87 Rexd 7.27
88 Alex 7.27
89 Kibler 7.27
90 Morgan 7.27
91 banata 7.27
92 Diminish 7.27
93 goodguy 7.27
94 GiveMeBoar 7.27
95 Hattrick 7.27
96 zedlaw 7.27
97 Gralthator 7.27
98 Gateway 7.20
99 SoysauceFan 7.20
100 HubukiNinten 7.20
101 frzwind 7.20
102 Farroway 7.20
103 bababackship 7.20
104 shararr 7.20
105 berelol 7.20
106 DashingHenry 7.20
107 starworld111 7.20
108 veritas 7.20
109 Tachii 7.20
110 FilipTM 7.13
111 HangingSky 7.13
112 Herpderp 7.13
113 kingplay 7.13
114 EvilRainbow 7.13
115 R32312729 7.13
116 Jhyun 7.13
117 oooasa 7.13
118 HatsuneMiku 7.13
119 HARRYMA 7.13
120 ArofRemet 7.07
121 trueapm69fan 7.07
122 medievalist 7.07
123 YourHarry 7.07
124 m0rph1ing 7.07
125 TuMama 7.07
126 pokerpro 7.07
127 CCJIEYU 7.07
128 Pep 7.07
129 lovezoey 7.07
130 Tesdey 7.07
131 Abdz 7.07
132 SwankyOrc 7.07
133 Evilwithin 7.07
134 LegendLegacy 7.07
135 Sceptrezz 7.00
136 Steampunk 7.00
137 Exsanguinate 7.00
138 TommyOKe 7.00
139 TezzeretEX 7.00
140 roguelike 7.00
141 Kyonko 7.00
142 Vike 7.00
143 jasonkidd008 7.00
144 Lando 7.00
145 MrMime 7.00
146 NumbTheFear 7.00
147 Caliban 7.00
148 Daigats 7.00
149 Chaospiggy 7.00
150 Listener 7.00

*Players in the top Ranked Standard list have each earned points towards Season 1 of the 2018 Hearthstone Championship Tour.

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