Pro Team Standings Update

Pro Team Standings Update

With just a few weeks left in Season 2, the 50 teams currently competing in the Hearthstone Championship Tour (HCT) Pro Team Standings are vying for the top of the leaderboard. On the heels of HCT Oakland, there are a few smaller races happening within the standings as well:

Rank Team CP
1 F2K 196
2 Tempo Storm 190
3 Nordavind 169
4 Team Genji Blue 150
5 compLexity Gaming 128
6 SK Gaming 128
7 Red Reserve 123
8 ChaRon 114
9 Omnislash 109
10 Helsinki REDS 109
11 Planet Odd Esports 102
12 Team Spirit 99
13 Copenhagen Flames 97
14 Mantic0re 94
15 Kyoto eSports 94
16 Barrage Esports 92
17 Team DDA.AC 1 92
18 Pittsburgh Knights 91
19 Sentinels 89
20 Exceed Esports 88

Tempo Storm continues to nip at the heels of Fade2Karma for the first-place finish. With only HCT Tokyo and the Competitive Points (CP) from the end of August left, will the narrow gap between the two hold?

The tie for fifth between compLexity Gaming and SK Gaming is another hotly contested berth, as Red Reserve need only five points to close the gap. Below them, Omnislash and Helsinki REDS are also neck-and-neck, but certainly not out of reach of Planet Odd.

Signups are open for new teams to compete in Season 3, as well:

Look for final Season 2 standings early next month, and let us know who you’re cheering for in the comments!

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