Some people enjoy the warmth of summer on their skin. Others prefer the delightful fresh greenery of springtime. Still others—like yourself, perhaps—wait eagerly all year in anticipation of a certain Headless individual. . . .
Welcome this year’s Hallow’s End celebrations by hosting a whimsically wicked Fireside Gathering of your own—read on to learn more about hosting and how you can receive a support package!
Host a Hallow’s End Fireside Gathering
Kick things off by heading over to FiresideGatherings.com to submit your event details. Make sure to be very specific so your friends and fellow townsfolk can find your tavern. Remember to hold your Fireside Gathering in a place that’s accessible to the public!
You’re absolutely welcome to host a Fireside in the comfort of your own private space, but remember that a private Fireside Gathering will not be eligible to receive support kits. If you’d like to do that regardless, and want to learn how, click here! Otherwise, read on.
Welcoming the Witching Hour
Once you’re set with your preparations, celebrate Hallow’s End in several ways:
- List your event on FiresideGatherings.com and get ready to welcome some ghastly guests!
- Join in on a Hallow’s End Fireside Gathering near you—simply look for one on FiresideGatherings.com
- Pull up a chair by your own hearth (or kitchen table, or comfy couch), have some friends over, and get started! Private Fireside Gatherings are a brand-new way to play. Just be sure to get your private event listed on FiresideGatherings.com at least an hour ahead of when you’re planning to begin. It will only be visible to you, the host!
If you’re looking for a little more company and already have an established Tavern, just start up or complete one round of a Fireside Brawl, and the Warlock Hero Nemsy Necrofizzle will gladly join in the fun. This month’s Fireside Brawl is Hearthstone at High Noon!
You’ll be able to tell which taverns are established through their unique Tavern signs. If you’re interesting in establishing your own tavern, learn more here.
Requesting a Support Kit
As you gather up warm sweaters, logs for the fireplace, and good friends to spend the night with, don’t forget to request a support kit of pins, plushies, and other goodies.
Support kit supplies are limited, so register your event between now and October 24 in order to be eligible for one. Kits are available while supplies last, and applying for them requires review and approval from us. While you can host Fireside Gatherings at any time during the year, this round of support kits will be available only for select events taking place between October 24 and November 25.
If you’re interested in getting a celebration support kit, make sure you meet the following criteria:
- Host your Fireside Gatherings at a location accessible to the public, like a café, restaurant, local game store, bonfire, or pumpkin patch.
- Schedule your event at FiresideGatherings.com so other players can find out about it.
- Innkeepers requesting a support kit must be 18 years of age or older.
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