The November 2018 Ranked Play Season is now live—and we’re unveiling a new card back you can add to your collection!
Tyrande, Maiev, Malfurion, and Lunara all know the power of the Moonwell. Taking a dip isn’t only a great way to recharge your mana batteries, but it’s also a great source of serenity. Or, if you’re an Orc with a gallon of bubble bath, a source of hilarity. Either way, in the end you’ll be glad to have one around. This month, show a worthy opponent that All’s Well That Moonwell: add the Moonwell card back to your collection by playing Hearthstone during the month of November!
These card backs replace the art decorating the reverse side of your cards and are a great way to show off your Hearthstone accomplishments. Add the Moonwell to your collection by winning 5 games at any Rank in either Standard or Wild Ranked Play modes. You’ll receive the Moonwell at the end of November’s Ranked Play Season in your Ranked Play reward chest.
You earn Ranked Play reward chests based on your highest earned rank over the course of a Ranked Play season. Reward chests may contain seasonal card backs, Arcane Dust, and golden cards, and can be obtained by playing in either Standard or Wild Ranked Play modes. You’ll be awarded one chest per Ranked Play season based on your highest rank between the two modes.
Don’t forget—the further you move up the Ranked Play ladder, the more of a head start you’ll get on climbing the ladder the following month. After the Ranked Play season ends, you’ll be reset four Ranks below the highest Rank you achieved the previous season once the new season begins. If you manage to reach Legend, you’ll be reset to Rank 4.
Embrace the serenity of the Night Elven mysticism in November’s Ranked Play Season, All’s Well That Moonwell.
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