Hearthstone’s heroes have joined the crowd of enthusiastic fans converging on the renowned Gurubashi Arena to attend that knock-down, drag-out, no-holds-barred, rough-and-tumble, beautifically brutal gladiatorial celebration of all things troll: Rastakhaaaaaan’s Ruuuuuumble!
They’ve got pennants. They’ve got sunscreen. The one thing they’re missing? Tickets!
Find out what happens when Uther “gets it” in Wronchi Animation’s Ticket to Greatness - Part 1!
Pre-purchase Rastakhan’s Rumble
Don’t miss YOUR ticket to Rastakhan’s Rumble! Pre-purchase one or both bundles and make sure your team is ready to throw down when Rastakhan’s Rumble releases starting December 4!
Rastakhan’s Rumble!
King Rastakhan won’t just be hosting the Rumble, he’ll be brawling with the best of them! When you pre-purchase this bundle, you’ll get 50 Rastakhan’s Rumble card packs, a Ready to Rumble card back, AND the new Shaman Hero: King Rastakhan!
The Challenger’s Bundle
For more budget-minded brawlers, this bundle offers 17 Rastakhan’s Rumble card packs and the Ready to Rumble card back.
Rastakhan’s Rumble begins December 4. To be ready, soon you must decide: which Loa speaks to you? Which team will you join?
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