Rastakhan's Rumble Card Reveal Schedule

Rastakhan's Rumble Card Reveal Schedule

The Gurubashi Arena is already electrified with anticipation for Rastakhan’s Rumble, and rowdy spectators continue to pile into the stands! Everyone’s excited to see the Rumblers in action, but before they take the field, you can get an early look at the Champions and their Loas, Spirits, and teammates that will clash on the arena sands!

Official Card Reveal Livestreams

Join Senior Hearthstone Designer Peter Whalen and his guest Regiskillbin for our first card reveal livestream on the official Hearthstone Twitch.tv stream November 19 at 10 a.m. PST to see new Rastakhan’s Rumble cards and gameplay.

Tune in again on November 28 at 10 a.m. PST as Senior Hearthstone Designer Dean Ayala is joined by Brian Kibler for our final card reveal livestream leading up to the release of Rastakhan’s Rumble starting December 4!

Community Card Reveals

In the run up to Rastakhan’s Rumble, esteemed members of the community will take a close look at the competitors—in the form of card reveals!—via Twitch, YouTube, Twitter, and more. Each image below designates a card to be revealed. Check out the days and times listed, and click an image to be transported directly to the associated channel.

11/19 12PM
11/19 11PM
11/20 2AM
11/20 4AM
11/20 5AM
11/20 7AM
11/20 8AM
11/20 9AM
11/20 11AM
11/20 8PM
11/21 2AM
11/21 4AM
11/21 7AM
11/21 11AM
11/21 1PM
11/21 6PM
11/21 11PM
11/22 1AM
11/22 4AM
11/22 7AM
11/22 10AM
11/22 11PM
11/23 4AM
11/23 6AM
11/23 7AM
11/23 11AM
11/23 2PM
11/23 10PM
11/23 11PM
11/24 1AM
11/24 7AM
11/24 11AM
11/24 1PM
11/24 11PM
11/25 4AM
11/25 7AM
11/25 11AM
11/25 7PM
11/25 11PM

11/26 2AM
11/26 4AM
11/26 7AM
11/26 8AM
11/26 11AM
11/26 9PM
11/26 11PM
11/27 1AM
11/27 4AM
11/27 7AM
11/27 11AM
11/27 6PM
11/27 11PM

For a limited time after Rastakhan’s Rumble begins on December 4, log in to claim 6 Rastakhan’s Rumble card packs, as well as a random Legendary Loa minion and 2 copies of the Spirit card for the same Class—FREE!


Pre-Purchase Rastakhan’s Rumble

Pre-purchase one or both bundles and make sure your team is ready to throw down when Rastakhan’s Rumble releases starting December 4!

Rastakhan’s Rumble!

King Rastakhan won’t just be hosting the Rumble, he’ll be brawling with the best of them! When you pre-purchase this bundle, you’ll get 50 Rastakhan’s Rumble card packs, a Ready to Rumble card back, AND the new Shaman Hero: King Rastakhan (which you can use right away)!

The Challenger’s Bundle

For more budget-minded brawlers, this bundle offers 17 Rastakhan’s Rumble card packs and the Ready to Rumble card back.

Rastakhan’s Rumble begins December 4. To be ready, soon you must decide: which Loa speaks to you? Which team will you join?

Visit RastakhansRumble.com and the official Facebook gallery to see all the cards that have been revealed so far. Cheer for your favorite team on Twitter using the #Rastakhan hashtag, and get hyped for the fights on YouTube.

Stay Connected

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