The sands may be scorching and the tombs dreary, but the taverns of Uldum have never been more lively. Read on for details on some exciting livestream events we’re hosting to wrap up Saviors of Uldum’s card reveal season with a bang!
Card Reveal Livestream
Join Brian Kibler, Community Manager Chris Sierra, and Lead Game Designer Peter Whalen as they unveil and discuss the final batch of cards coming in Hearthstone's new expansion, Saviors of Uldum!
- When: July 31st @ 10am PT
- Where: twitch.tv/PlayHearthstone
Theorycrafting Livestreams
Get an in-depth look at Saviors of Uldum by watching your favorite streamers craft decks and compete with access to all 135 new cards! Tune in all day on August 1st starting at 9am PT as 6 content creators kick things off here at Blizzard HQ! But the action doesn’t stop there. On August 2nd, creators from all across the globe will be joining in on the fun, so keep an eye out as they go live on their Twitch channels!
First Wave
- When: Starting August 1st @ 9am PT
- Where:
- Purple | www.twitch.tv/purple_hs
- Alliestrasa | www.twitch.tv/alliestrasza
- Vigil | www.twitch.tv/vigilsc
- Dekkster | www.twitch.tv/dekkster
- Slysssa | www.twitch.tv/slysssa
- RegisKillbin | www.twitch.tv/regiskillbin
Second Wave
- When: Starting August 2nd @ 1am PT
- Where:
- Participating creators on Twitch.tv/directory/game/Hearthstone
Uldum Inn-vitational Livestream
Arch-Villain Rafaam has thrown down the gauntlet and challenged the League of Explorers to a showdown! Watch as creators represent each League and battle it out using all-new Saviors of Uldum cards to see who will be declared the champion of Uldum. It’s E.V.I.L. vs. Explorers and the fate of the world is at stake! Now, which League will come out on top? More info coming soon!
- When: August 5th @ 9am PT
- Where: Twitch.tv/PlayHearthstone or participating player Twitch channels!
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