Rewards Track Refresh for Fractured in Alterac Valley

Rewards Track Refresh for Fractured in Alterac Valley

It’s almost time for another Rewards Track refresh! When the Rewards Track refreshes with the Fractured in Alterac Valley launch, all players will automatically be granted any unclaimed rewards on both the free track and the Tavern Pass track (if purchased), and a completely new Rewards Track of unlockable loot will take its place.


Note: Vanessa VanCleef is an Epic Mercenary, not a Legendary as shown here. Check out the patch notes for details!

Fractured in Alterac Valley Rewards Track

The Rewards Track for Fractured in Alterac Valley will include packs from Fractured in Alterac Valley, Standard packs, Tavern Tickets, a random Epic card, two random Legendary cards, a Vanessa VanCleef Mercenary Card, Horde and Alliance Card Backs, and a lot of Gold. There are also 14 uncraftable Golden cards, including the Legendary minion, Lokholar, the Ice Lord. For finishing the track, you’ll get to choose from one of 10 returning Hero Skins.


Level XP to level Cumulative XP Free Track Tavern Pass
1 0 0 Legendary (Uncraftable) - Lokholar, the Ice Lord, Vanessa VanCleef Mercenary 10% XP Boost, Korrak the Bloodrager Diamond Card (Uncraftable)
2 100 100 50 Gold Vanessa VanCleef Mercenary Gold Portrait 1
3 100 200 Fractured in Alterac Valley Pack Battlegrounds Bartender Alterac Bob
4 150 350 2 x Golden Common (Uncraftable) - Ram Commander Celeste Card Back
5 150 500 Fractured in Alterac Valley Pack Trainee Cariel Hero Skin (Paladin) 
6 225 725 2 x Golden Common (Uncraftable) - Frantic Hippogryph
7 225 950 50 Gold
8 300 1250 2 x Golden Common (Uncraftable) - Herald of Lokholar
9 300 1550 Fractured in Alterac Valley Pack
10 325 1875 Random Epic Card Apprentice Dawngrasp Hero Skin (Mage)
11 325 2200 50 Gold
12 350 2550 50 Gold
13 350 2900 Golden Rare (Uncraftable) - Stormpike Marshall
14 375 3275 50 Gold
15 375 3650 Horde and Alliance Card Back Barrens Bru'kan Hero Skin (Shaman)
16 400 4050 50 Gold
17 400 4450 50 Gold
18 425 4875 Standard Pack
19 425 5300 50 Gold
20 450 5750 Random Legendary Card 15% XP Boost, Battlegrounds Hero Skin Battle Healer George
21 450 6200 50 Gold
22 550 6750 50 Gold
23 600 7350 Golden Rare (Uncraftable) - Snowblind Harpy Battlegrounds Hero Skin Town-toppler Reno
24 650 8000 50 Gold
25 675 8675 Standard Pack Golden Legendary (Uncraftable) - Lokholar, the Ice Lord
26 675 9350 50 Gold
27 875 10225 50 Gold
28 875 11100 Golden Rare (Uncraftable) - Frostwolf Warmaster
29 1000 12100 50 Gold
30 1100 13200 Tavern Ticket Vanessa VanCleef Mercenary Gold Portrait 2
31 1200 14400 50 Gold
32 1200 15600 50 Gold
33 1250 16850 Golden Rare (Uncraftable) - Stormpike Marshall
34 1250 18100 50 Gold
35 1300 19400 Standard Pack Northwatch Cariel Hero Skin (Paladin)
36 1300 20700 50 Gold
37 1350 22050 50 Gold
38 1350 23400 Golden Rare (Uncraftable) - Snowblind Harpy
39 1400 24800 50 Gold
40 1400 26200 Standard Pack Explorer Dawngrasp Hero Skin (Mage) 
41 1450 27650 50 Gold
42 1450 29100 50 Gold
43 1500 30600 Golden Rare (Uncraftable) - Frostwolf Warmaster
44 1500 32100 50 Gold
45 1550 33650 Tavern Ticket Dungeoneer Bru'kan Hero Skin (Shaman)
46 1550 35200 50 Gold
47 1600 36800 50 Gold
48 1600 38400 Standard Pack Battlegrounds Hero Skin Chargeleader Saurfang
49 1650 40050 Tavern Ticket
50 1650 41700 Random Legendary Card Celestial Dragon Mage Hero Skin
51 1700 43,400 75 Gold
52 1700 45,100 75 Gold
53 1750 46,850 75 Gold
54 1750 48,600 75 Gold
55 1800 50,400 Standard Pack Stalwart Cariel Hero Skin (Paladin)
56 1800 52,200 75 Gold
57 1850 54,050 75 Gold
58 1850 55,900 75 Gold
59 1900 57,800 75 Gold
60 1900 59,700 Standard Pack Elementalist Dawngrasp Hero Skin  (Mage)
61 1950 61,650 75 Gold
62 1950 63,600 75 Gold
63 2000 65,600 75 Gold
64 2000 67,600 75 Gold
65 2050 69,650 Golden Epic (Uncraftable) - Grimtotem Bounty Hunter Venerable Bru'kan Hero Skin (Shaman)
66 2050 71,700 75 Gold
67 2125 73,825 75 Gold
68 2125 75,950 75 Gold
69 2250 78,200 75 Gold
70 2250 80,450 Standard Pack 20% XP Boost, Battlegrounds Hero Skin Yetitamer Brann
71 2375 82,825 75 Gold
72 2375 85,200 75 Gold
73 2500 87,700 75 Gold
74 2500 90,200 75 Gold
75 2500 92,700 Golden Epic (Uncraftable) - Grimtotem Bounty Hunter Vanessa VanCleef Mercenary Gold Portrait 3
76 2500 95,200 100 Gold
77 2500 97,700 100 Gold
78 2500 100,200 100 Gold
79 2500 102,700 100 Gold
80 2500 105,200 100 Gold Battlegrounds Hero Skin Tess, Stormpike Assassin
81 2500 107,700 100 Gold
82 2500 110,200 100 Gold
83 2500 112,700 100 Gold
84 2500 115,200 100 Gold
85 2500 117,700 100 Gold Battlegrounds Hero Skin Snowblast Eudora
86 2500 120,200 100 Gold
87 2500 122,700 100 Gold
88 2500 125,200 100 Gold
89 2500 127,700 100 Gold
90 2500 130,200 150 Gold Faction Pride Cosmetic Coin
91 2500 132,700 150 Gold
92 2500 135,200 150 Gold
93 2500 137,700 150 Gold
94 2500 140,200 150 Gold
95 2500 142,700 150 Gold Battlegrounds Hero Skin Vol'jin, Frostwolf Officer
96 2500 145,200 150 Gold
97 2500 147,700 150 Gold
98 2500 150,200 150 Gold Battlegrounds Hero Skin Winterflurry Kael'thas
99 2500 152,700 150 Gold
100 2500 155,200 Hero Skin Choice Pyromancer Dawngrasp Hero Skin (Mage), Dungeoneer Cariel Hero Skin (Paladin), Deadmines Bru'kan Hero Skin (Shaman)
101-130 1325-1475 […] 50 Gold
131-400 1500 602,200 50 Gold

Diamond Cards and the Battle for Alterac Valley

(Updated) Korrak the Bloodrager and Balinda Stonehearth will be the set’s regularly-scheduled Diamond Cards. The unlock criteria for those cards are as follows:

  • Korrak the Bloodrager—Instantly obtained by purchasing the Tavern Pass and claiming the card on the Rewards track.
  • Balinda Stonehearth—Obtained by owning 25 Fractured in Alterac Valley Legendary cards.


There will also be a third, special Diamond card, based on the outcome of the Battle for Alterac Valley event! After the expansion launches, all players will compete for Honor in order to get free rewards and claim ultimate victory for their faction! You gain Honor by playing and winning games during the event:

  • 10 Honor for every game played
  • 10 more Honor for every game won (20 total)
  • 20 more Honor for every game won versus an opponent of the enemy faction (40 total)

Honor can be gained in Ranked, Arena, and Duels Modes. As you gain Honor, you climb the ranks within your faction and progress a Legendary Quest chain that rewards you with cards from the expansion. All players who complete the Quest chain earn the same rewards, though the order of the rewards depends on which faction you support.

Alliance Quest

Alliance Reward

Horde Quest

Horde Reward

Quest - Honor Quota

Achievement - Honor Quota


x1 Golden [[Stormpike Aid Station]]


x1 Golden [[Frostwolf Kennels]]




x1 Golden [[Stormpike Aid Station]]


x1 Golden [[Frostwolf Kennels]]



Master Sergeant

x1 Golden [[Dun Baldar Bunker]]

Senior Sergeant

x1 Golden [[Iceblood Tower]]



Sergeant Major

x1 Golden [[Dun Baldar Bunker]]

First Sergeant

x1 Golden [[Iceblood Tower]]




x1 Golden [[Dun Baldar Bridge]]

Stone Guard

x1 Golden [[Iceblood Garrison]]




x1 Golden [[Dun Baldar Bridge]]

Blood Guard

x1 Golden [[Iceblood Garrison]]




x1 Golden [[Iceblood Garrison]]


x1 Golden [[Dun Baldar Bridge]]




x1 Golden [[Iceblood Garrison]]


x1 Golden [[Dun Baldar Bridge]]



Lieutenant Commander

x1 Golden [[Iceblood Tower]]


x1 Golden [[Dun Baldar Bunker]]




x1 Golden [[Iceblood Tower]]

Lieutenant General

x1 Golden [[Dun Baldar Bunker]]




x1 Golden [[Frostwolf Kennels]]


x1 Golden [[Stormpike Aid Station]]



Field Marshal

x1 Golden [[Frostwolf Kennels]]


x1 Golden [[Stormpike Aid Station]]



Grand Marshal

x1 Golden [[Drek'Thar]]

High Warlord

x1 Golden [[Vanndar Stormpike]]



On January 11, all Honor will be tallied and the winning faction’s accomplishment will be forever enshrined in Hearthstone, because every player will receive a Diamond copy of the winning faction’s leader card (Drek’Thar or Vanndar) as the third Diamond card for the set in a future update!

Clarification: The period for tallying the winning faction is from December 7 to January 11, but you can collect Honor to complete your personal Legendary Quest Chain at any point throughout the Fractured in Alterac Valley expansion. After the expansion period, the Legendary Quest Chain will be replaced with another means to earn these rewards.

Fractured in Alterac Valley Tavern Pass

The United in Stormwind Tavern Pass will expire with the launch of Fractured in Alterac Valley and a new Tavern Pass will be made available for purchase—offering XP boosts and more new cosmetics than ever before!


Purchasing the Tavern Pass at any point during the expansion will immediately grant the Diamond Korrak the Bloodrager uncraftable Legendary minion, a 10% XP Boost that lasts the rest of the duration of the expansion, and all items up to your current level on the paid track. As you progress with the Tavern Pass during the Fractured in Alterac Valley expansion, you’ll earn additional XP Boosts, up to twelve total Skins for Dawngrasp, Cariel, and Bru’kan (4 for each), eight Battlegrounds Skins, the Alterac Bob Battlegrounds Alternate Bartender, the Celeste Card Back and Alternate Mage Hero, three Vanessa VanCleef Mercenary Portraits, a cosmetic coin, and an uncraftable Golden Lokholar, the Ice Lord minion!

As a reminder, Battlegrounds Perks are now available as a standalone purchase, separate from the Tavern Pass.

New Cosmetic Coins

Two new Cosmetic Coins are being added with Fractured in Alterac Valley, the Faction Pride coin and the Alterac General coin. The Faction Pride coin is obtained by completing the first 90 levels of the Rewards Track with the Tavern Pass. The Alterac General coin is obtained by collecting 135 unique Fractured in Alterac Valley cards.


Keep in mind that Fractured in Alterac Valley will have a 35-card Mini-Set that will make it easier to reach both the 25 total Fractured in Alterac Valley Legendary cards for the Belinda Stonehearth Diamond Legendary minion and the 135 total Fractured in Alterac Valley cards for the Alterac General coin. We’ll have more information to share about the Fractured in Alterac Valley Mini-Set in the coming months.


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