We’re in the process of deploying a hotfix that includes some balance changes for Battlegrounds and Duels, and a handful of bug fixes.
Developer’s Note: Because this is a hotfix change, the changes will not show correctly while hovering over the minions in the shop, on the hero select screen, or when hovering over the Buddy Meter. This will be corrected in a future update.
Hero Changes
Elementium Squirrel Bomb (Millificent Manastorm’s Buddy)- Old: [Tavern Tier 3] → New: [Tavern Tier 4
Minion Changes
Tarecgosa- Old: [Tavern Tier 3] → New: [Tavern Tier 4]
- Old: [Tavern Tier 4] 3 Attack, 6 Health → New: [Tavern Tier 3] 2 Attack, 4 Health
Duels Updates
- All Together Now was moved from Treasure Pool 1 to Treasure Pool 2.
- Battle Totem, Disks of Legend, and Totem of the Dead were are all moved from Treasure Pool 2 to Treasure Pool 2 Ultra Rare.
Bug Fixes and Game Improvements
- Fixed a bug where your opponent playing a Choose One card while holding a Pathmaker would cause a floating card to remain on your screen.
- Fixed a bug where Arfus would sometimes summon Reborn minions, instead of the properly resurrected 1 Health minions, when combined with Khadgar.
- Fixed a bug where certain Buddies’ on-play voicelines would not play in certain circumstances.
- Made progress on a bug where players were locked out of the Mercenaries Training Grounds. While a permanent solution is planned for Patch 22.4, restarting Hearthstone should now allow you to access the Training Grounds again if you were locked out.
- Fixed a bug where Duels achievements were not properly tracking runs.
- Fixed a bug where Duels Health totals did not match the Health totals intended for run progress.
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