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Step Into the Emerald Dream

The Emerald Dream, the source of Nature and Druidic magic on Azeroth, is under attack. The creeping corruption of the Old Gods threatens to turn the Dream into a Nightmare! Imbue your Hero Power with blessings from the World Tree or accept the Dark Gifts of the Old Gods. In this world, everyone can Choose One. The portal is opening; prepare to step Into the Emerald Dream!
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Expansion Features

New Keyword: Imbue
The defenders of the Dream draw power from the World Tree, transforming their hero powers and growing stronger as the battle rages on. Druid, Hunter, Mage, Paladin, Priest, and Shaman have been Imbued with this power. The first time one of these classes plays an Imbue card, they get a new Hero Power, unique to their class. Then, every number on their new Hero Power text upgrades each time another Imbue card is played. Power yourself up and live the dream!
New Keyword: Dark Gifts
Dark forces are attempting to corrupt the Emerald Dream and turn it into a Nightmare. They offer Dark Gifts to empower those who would join their cause. Dark Gifts are minion power-ups that pair with certain Discover options in Death Knight, Demon Hunter, Rogue, Warlock, and Warrior. Pick out the best minion-Gift combination and take your Discovers to another level!
Massive Wild Gods
The Wild Gods are powerful ancient entities who can swing the tide in battle of the World Tree, but some have already been lost to the corruption! Each class gets a Legendary Wild God minion to fight for their side.
Choose One for All
The Emerald Dream is the realm from which Druids draw their power. Here, Nature magic is abundant, and the tricks of the Druids are available to all. For the first time in Hearthstone history, each class gets a Choose One card: cards with two modes that you can choose from when you play them. Choose wisely and maximize their effect!


When will Into the Emerald Dream launch?
March 25, 2025.
How does Imbue work?
Certain cards Imbue your Hero Power. If you are Druid, Hunter, Mage, Paladin, Priest, or Shaman, the first time you Imbue your Hero Power you will get a new Hero Power that is specific to your class. Each time you play an Imbue card after your first one, you’ll upgrade all numbers in the text of your new Hero Power by one. If you are not playing one of the Imbue classes, Imbuing will have no effect.
What are the Dark Gifts?
Some cards will allow you to Discover a minion with a Dark Gift. Dark Gifts are minion modifiers that are presented at the same time as the Discover options. Each Discover option has its own Dark Gift tied to it, like Quest-Reward pairs in Battlegrounds. There are a total of 10 Dark Gifts that can be applied. Whenever you Discover a minion with a Dark Gift, you’ll always be offered three different Dark Gifts. Some Dark Gifts have special limitations so they won’t be offered on minions that they don’t work with. See the Expansion Announcement blog for full details.
What are the Into the Emerald Dream Promotional Cards?
There are three different promotional cards that will be available in the 31.6 Patch period, including two that are available right now. Ysera, Emerald Aspect is the Into the Emerald Dream Legendary minion available as a free login reward now. Creature of Madness is a Common minion that is available today for all players to claim for free from the in-game Shop. Finally, there will be a Year of the Raptor celebration event in the days leading up to Patch 32.0; earn event XP to get rewards, including the Raptor Herald card! See the 31.6 Patch Notes for details and disclaimers.
What happens if both players have Ysera, Emerald Aspect in their deck at the start of the game?
Then both players will start the game with a maximum of 20 Mana Crystals.
How will Catch-Up Packs work with Into the Emerald Dream?
There will be new Catch-Up Packs with Into the Emerald Dream. As always, those Catch-Up Packs will catch you up to the expansion by featuring the past sets that will still be in Standard when Into the Emerald Dream launches: Whizbang’s Workshop, Perils in Paradise, and The Great Dark Beyond. These Catch-Up Packs will include 5-50 cards per pack, with 1-17 cards per set per pack. Previous Catch-Up Pack logic will remain unchanged no matter when you open them. In-game Catch-Up Pack grants will swap over to the new Catch-Up Packs with Patch 32.0. You can tell which Catch-Up Pack you are opening by looking at the set symbols on the pack. See the Disclosure Page for more details.
When can I open my pre-purchase packs?
Pre-purchase packs (as well as any other Into the Emerald Dream Packs accumulated at that time) will initially be able to be opened during the Pre-Release Tavern Brawl, from March 18 through March 25. Outside of that, Into the Emerald Dream packs will be able to be opened when the expansion launches on March 25.
What is the Pre-Release Tavern Brawl?
The Pre-Release Tavern Brawl will return for Into the Emerald Dream, running from the launch of Patch 32.0 on March 18 until the launch of the expansion on March 25. In the Pre-Release Tavern Brawl, you will be able to open your Into the Emerald Dream packs, build decks, and play with them in a mini-competition. Prizing will match the prizing structure from last Pre-Release Tavern Brawl based on how well you do, but award cards and packs from Into the Emerald Dream, so you can take your winnings and go again! Everyone will get one free entry; each subsequent entry will cost 2 Tavern Tickets, 300 Gold, or 400 Runestones.
Where can I find Into the Emerald Dream card reveals?
Head over to the official Card Library to see all Into the Emerald Dream cards that have already been revealed, as well as a schedule for future reveals!
Where can I plan my decks with the new Into the Emerald Dream cards?
The official Hearthstone Deck Builder is a great place to tap into the Emerald Dream before the expansion goes live. Stay tuned for more information about upcoming theorycrafting streams featuring your favorite content creators dreaming up their own creations, too!