Hearthstone™ Ranked Play Season 4 Final Rankings - Americas

Hearthstone™ Ranked Play Season 4 Final Rankings - Americas

The final rankings from Ranked Play Season 4: The Dread Necropolis for the Americas region are here! These players have gone the extra mile and worked their way up the current ladder system to become one of the top ranked Hearthstone players.

A big congratulations to our top 16 Legend players in the Americas region, who now qualify to participate in the Hearthstone Americas Qualifier Tournament! This tournament will ultimately decide the four players that will represent the Americas region at the Hearthstone World Championships live at BlizzCon! For more information on the Hearthstone World Championships, please check out this blog here.

Pull up a chair and join us in recognizing the top ranked Hearthstone players in the Americas region!

Rank BattleTag
1 Tarei
2 dog
3 yoitsflo
4 hyp3d
5 ThaLucky1
6 Ereath
7 Ðart
8 Chakki
9 Nelf
10 Akira
11 bloodyface
12 Fibonacci
13 DoctorPenick
14 SilentStorm
15 hyped
16 Deerjason
17 Nadeshot
18 Hoarth
19 AntLovesMeth
20 Firebat
21 Kalle
22 TerrenceM
23 sjow
24 ZeGodIs
25 Crimzig
26 Majyqman
27 waffster
28 Noby
29 Peter
30 Floww
31 Amaz
32 zRusheR
33 Iksar
34 Devia
35 LuigEzz
36 Zansetsu
37 TheRtsRanger
38 reynad
39 bma
40 rajta
41 Fpv000
42 Brad
43 Curdy
44 nathan2008
45 ExtraTricky
46 Minck
47 allandang
48 Cassius
49 b3stfr13nd
50 swingslol
52 AllHailMatt
53 ihatepants
54 vcT
55 PandaButt
56 DrHotChoco
57 Twixsen
58 beek
59 Foose
60 Infam0us
61 bobosstupid
62 SnowAce
63 Veal
64 Vanqswisha
65 MasterCard
66 Dougie
67 zGGLeoz
68 Razor
69 Toefoo
70 Bounds
71 Coricarsi
72 orphen
73 QQueenBee
74 Kheffin
75 Draven
76 clear
77 Jw0ok
78 Mickin
79 Jin
80 Tryla
81 SerpTheTerp
82 Mutubah
83 Cross
84 Lucas
85 Azure
86 aiwo99
87 Ian
88 MeKeel
89 rainrain
90 Death
91 Demoo
92 Sinister
93 muzzy
94 Hishamaru
95 aqua
96 postman
97 HikerNob
98 Airball
99 ARee
100 JelloCthulhu