Trump Teachings - Part 3

Trump Teachings - Part 3

Trump Teachings is a series of informative YouTube videos that covers the fundamentals of Hearthstone gameplay with the mayor of Value Town himself, Trump! Learn more about the series and catch the other videos in the first and second blogs highlighting Trumps Teachings.

These videos are a great way to provide newer players with the tools they need to win and a firmer grasp on the fundamentals of Hearthstone strategy.

Today we conclude Trump’s Teachings with the final four videos in the series:

This is an important one. Trump Teachings 6 explains and highlights the vital role Card Advantage plays in Hearthstone using the Priest class.

In Trump Teachings 7, When to Face, Trump talks about when it to attack the opposing hero instead of clearing the board with the Hunter class.

Weapons can give you a big advantage, and that’s the focus of Trump Teachings 8. Trump teaches you to know when to hold ‘em, and know when to swing, to get the most out of your arsenal in Weapons Hold using the Warrior.

Playing a deck that controls the board means that you’re playing over the long haul. Trump explains how The Long Game works in Trump Teachings 9 with the Paladin class.

See you in Value Town!

Board Control – Mage
Mana Efficiency – Druid
Fearless Tapping – Warlock
Fearless Hitting – Rogue
Favorable Trading – Shaman
Card Advantage – Priest
When to Face – Hunter
Weapons Hold – Warrior
The Long Game – Paladin

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