The final results for Hearthstone Ranked Standard and Wild play in October are in!
The players featured below have employed top notch deck building skills, in-the-moment decision making, and unyielding dedication to achieve a most noteworthy feat!
Pour a toast, pull up a chair, and join us in recognizing Hearthstone’s top Ranked Standard* and Wild players in the Americas region!

Rank | Battletag |
1 | AlwaysLucky |
2 | fertygo |
3 | hunterace |
4 | DavidSWu |
5 | naxoloo |
6 | Satellite |
7 | Monsanto |
8 | ETC |
9 | Cantelope |
10 | Chakki |
11 | Artefy |
12 | PogChampion |
13 | pomolive |
14 | faNatic |
15 | zlsjs |
16 | Rase |
17 | Arawn |
18 | KingOfType89 |
19 | rask |
20 | aqua |
21 | UchihaSaske |
22 | Terrifictaco |
23 | TheRhino |
24 | Katsumi |
25 | Geekaleek |
26 | Aimless |
27 | seiger |
28 | Celeritas |
29 | Activelee |
30 | Pizza |
31 | iEatChildren |
32 | CSRuchi |
33 | Jia |
34 | Impact |
35 | CosplayGrill |
36 | DWU |
37 | Lawliet |
38 | patoyao |
39 | YAYtears |
40 | noblord |
41 | Amam15 |
42 | Casie |
43 | boink |
44 | TankWheels |
45 | mrKOKODAK |
46 | heisnotaxel |
47 | TFK |
48 | While |
49 | Deathsie |
50 | lnguagehackr |
51 | Brett |
52 | BLS4GAME |
53 | 當麻 |
54 | darkduke |
55 | Wreck |
56 | Houdinii |
57 | starworld111 |
58 | HmmmPie |
59 | Baumgott |
60 | Freshy |
61 | Nxzl2s |
62 | AvisGod |
63 | Agenbyte |
64 | Jakaso27 |
65 | Plum |
66 | FULGUR1S |
67 | x420Blaziken |
68 | Shift |
69 | Kane |
70 | hypnotoxic |
71 | Ender |
72 | EclipseJL |
73 | Astrogation |
74 | Quiros2211 |
75 | McLovin |
76 | RubeJew |
77 | ViperPro |
78 | alexthegreat |
79 | Nalguidan |
80 | Phrakture |
81 | Monkeykong |
82 | Peter |
83 | Syegfried |
84 | Coreupted |
85 | gunsmoke |
86 | devlinx4 |
87 | Paperninja |
88 | Dranzer |
89 | edux1690 |
90 | C0ntrolBoy |
91 | Infearmous |
92 | Andrew158 |
93 | END2016 |
94 | KiinG |
95 | ScrundleMcB |
96 | snow |
97 | TRNetwork |
98 | blueblurr |
99 | Battle.net User |
100 | MrHSDaily |
101 | Akakuro |
102 | weiseguy |
103 | Ryuuzu |
104 | Liquid |
105 | RY27 |
106 | Shirokuma |
107 | Karomizu |
108 | Cyrax |
109 | maher |
110 | WolfMack |
111 | TheBerret |
112 | Kyle |
113 | Nxek |
114 | Lutero94 |
115 | Jay |
116 | jambre |
117 | Akumaker |
118 | Zalgo |
119 | Insom |
120 | Purple |
121 | Rgc96 |
122 | Puyshpii |
123 | Buffnut |
124 | SnarkyGoblin |
125 | Rooftrellen |
126 | CherrieDoll |
127 | banata |
128 | eberbass |
129 | hyped |
130 | Wottawa |
131 | Zamos |
132 | Jwenn |
133 | Failfellow |
134 | Korextron |
135 | Kuyayo |
136 | Pangya |
137 | Gatsu |
138 | BustaJ |
139 | Pixel |
140 | P1q |
141 | Rks |
142 | Basegod |
143 | casanova |
144 | Twink |
145 | ScreaM |
146 | Razcal |
147 | Brendow |
148 | Jyeesh |
149 | Casper |
150 | SoLegit |
151 | H4RAMBE |
152 | edro |
153 | yutan |
154 | BuckNastyZB |
155 | Respawned |
156 | Ponz |
157 | Radoz |
158 | Sherry |
159 | Jaeger3 |
160 | Tekki |
161 | MrFatty123 |
162 | k3nny |
163 | snuy |
164 | Mryagut |
165 | NeonBlue |
166 | CKBandit |
167 | jknight05 |
168 | DrunksMcGee |
169 | Magicman |
170 | RalA |
171 | Ace |
172 | arbiter96 |
173 | StrifeCro |
174 | Zeddy |
175 | ANGEL3 |
176 | HotMEOWTH |
177 | Abcrst |
178 | MpVanellope |
179 | Rhagnar |
180 | Anguistar |
181 | Altyg |
182 | Scorpion |
183 | bitbyte |
184 | goose |
185 | Stark |
186 | PvtParts |
187 | BloodySkull |
188 | BowserRoar |
189 | PrinceFancy |
190 | Digler |
191 | Dexter |
192 | PistolPete20 |
193 | Neirea |
194 | PrismWeapon |
195 | Losongz |
196 | SillWanders |
197 | robianne |
198 | Wayne |
199 | Gateway |
200 | Oso |
Rank | Battletag |
1 | Hazer |
2 | awedragon |
3 | JTZ |
4 | Wargizmo |
5 | Ben |
6 | Bananaramic |
7 | AZSwim |
8 | TitanX |
9 | Ice |
10 | Jonahrah |
11 | Elf |
12 | Hurryupidiot |
13 | WildWolf |
14 | XCrouton |
15 | blueblurr |
16 | drTama |
17 | sipiwi94 |
18 | jin |
19 | waxwingslain |
20 | Roffle |
21 | Cyrax |
23 | Ailchu |
24 | Scorched |
25 | Zangari |
26 | Wtflag |
27 | apotheun |
28 | PogChampion |
29 | Black |
30 | Serpent |
31 | ReganisPrime |
32 | gorky |
33 | Eisen0818 |
34 | hey |
35 | danstruction |
36 | Firstly |
37 | FisherDarvyk |
38 | MrExiElei |
39 | Seviang |
40 | Bobby |
41 | GodOfWar |
42 | Martian |
43 | ALoNe |
44 | yoursmile |
45 | TK421 |
46 | chorton |
47 | RyoKei |
48 | Milithemir |
49 | Rks |
50 | EndBoss |
51 | imtrash |
52 | Infearmous |
53 | Chrom |
54 | MeatLord |
55 | KingEngine |
56 | KimiHaSpider |
57 | GreenTennis |
58 | Clickpwn |
59 | Jran |
60 | Spanish |
61 | Christophe |
62 | Restruction |
63 | mrob15 |
64 | organization |
65 | Tezzmizzeths |
66 | RopeAndMovie |
67 | yusa |
68 | ColdStory |
69 | Harain |
70 | SinAkarin |
71 | Topsniper |
72 | Evilsquirrel |
73 | sparky5856 |
74 | RopeAddict |
75 | Grumblestump |
76 | scud32 |
77 | Holman |
78 | enachos3 |
79 | Guidomon |
80 | JustBurnRope |
81 | RMSG |
82 | DM018 |
83 | Mightyclark |
84 | Aguiar |
85 | Oblivion7845 |
86 | Firenova |
87 | Scorpion |
88 | Skytear |
89 | Grenelle |
90 | mooingsheep |
91 | chaitealatte |
92 | keithnumbers |
93 | Buckslayer88 |
94 | Strykin |
95 | Zionus |
96 | Gisfug |
97 | Láo |
98 | DemonJade |
99 | Wysv |
100 | Melonface |
101 | Nihilism |
102 | berserker |
103 | lekos |
104 | blootomarto |
105 | Curveology |
106 | Zach |
107 | Kablooie |
108 | Slashrude |
109 | ungreatman |
110 | ect |
111 | vampyr |
112 | LordVader |
113 | Lancelot |
114 | Nitro |
115 | Studioj |
116 | Yilias |
117 | SlagStorm |
118 | MrSamo |
119 | ToKo |
120 | skeeter |
121 | LeBlanc |
122 | MonsterMash |
123 | Fischer17 |
124 | faNatic |
125 | CompanyMan |
126 | amplive |
127 | Kalaloch |
128 | Maruster |
129 | Vien |
130 | Big |
131 | Anpandu |
132 | sousei |
133 | Cynosure |
134 | DontHexMeBro |
135 | kcjtC03 |
136 | Control |
137 | Camdenro |
138 | overwater |
139 | Botticus |
140 | SnowRain |
141 | CptGrn4Skin |
142 | IamnotFISH |
143 | StormFever |
144 | johnny5 |
145 | Memnarch |
146 | Barther |
147 | TemplarPunk |
148 | Ilikelolipop |
149 | XIL |
150 | Daggerd |
151 | Sid |
152 | JayPower |
153 | Tankrrior |
154 | yuma |
155 | endkat |
156 | afroh |
157 | Lubricate |
158 | Azucatcultis |
159 | Ambition |
160 | vizkopa |
162 | BeverzazeWis |
163 | BunchaAsians |
164 | Rolf |
165 | Thanatos |
166 | ryshoe |
167 | prollystoned |
168 | maicon |
169 | willander |
170 | CrispyTaco4 |
171 | KremePuff |
172 | hotdog |
173 | SamAnthony |
174 | Soursquadron |
175 | ShiangChen |
176 | Hallucinator |
177 | LikeAproBR |
178 | JaguarShark |
179 | Heero |
180 | marques1234 |
181 | Heiwudi |
182 | jaejae |
183 | jedddddd |
184 | ter |
185 | GoDLiKe |
186 | GideonJura |
187 | Mealon |
188 | quarky |
189 | Archangel |
190 | Robotnanny |
191 | Wolfhead |
192 | Servex |
193 | Nostromo |
194 | RoyalSalute |
195 | Yano |
196 | Heskey4Lyfe |
197 | Emperorguy |
198 | HoLzBeRd |
199 | OldLady |
200 | DiegoBrando |
*Players in the top Ranked Standard list have each earned points toward the Last Call season of the 2017 Hearthstone Championship Tour.
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