All administrative decisions related to tournaments governed by Blizzard's official Hearthstone rules can be found here.
The Chinese Taipei Hearthstone Global Games (HGG) team has been disqualified from the Hearthstone Global Games competition.
Following the Chinese Taipei vs. Singapore match, the Chinese Taipei team uploaded a video of their gameplay. Upon review of the video, and after reviewing in-person statements from the players, the Hearthstone Esports team has determined that members of the Chinese Taipei team used the delayed tournament broadcast to aid them in a decision during the game. This behavior is prohibited in our tournament rules under section 7.11a. Specifically, players are prohibited from “[s]tream sniping, or any general attempt by a player to spectate his or her own match or get information from another person spectating the match.”
Based on the timing of this disqualification, the Singapore HGG team will advance in place of the Chinese Taipei team to the playoff stage of the Hearthstone Global Games at BlizzCon.
During round 7 of the Americas Winter Playoffs, the admin team was alerted of a potential rules violation by APXVoid. The lead tournament admin investigated the situation via interviews with the players and on-site admin staff.
After this investigation the Hearthstone Esports team determined that the player was in violation of rule 7.11a and was Disqualified from the tournament.
During Game 1 of Match 4 - Europe Week 1 Day 3, Casie was in violation of rule "7.4 Wrong Deck Selection". The normal penalty for this infraction is a game loss, however, as both players are required to message their deck picks secretly to the game admins before each game, the penalty was downgraded to a warning. Any further infractions of rule 7.4 Wrong Deck Selection by this player will result in a game loss for the duration of the season.
During Game 2 of Match 5 - Americas Week 2 Day 1, PNC was in violation of rule "7.7 Game Disconnect". The penalty for this infraction is a warning. Any further infractions of rule "7.7 Game Disconnect" by this player will result in a game loss for the duration of the season.
During Game 1 of Match 3 - Asia-Pacific Week 2 Day 2, FroStee was in violation of rule "7.7 Game Disconnect". The penalty for this infraction is a warning. Any further infractions of rule "7.7 Game Disconnect" by this player will result in a game loss for the duration of the season.
During Game 1 of Match 3 - Americas Week 2 Day 3, Amnesiac was in violation of rule "7.4 Wrong Deck Selection". The normal penalty for this infraction is a game loss, however, as both players are required to message their deck picks secretly to the game admins before each game, the penalty was downgraded to a warning. Any further infractions of rule 7.4 Wrong Deck Selection by this player will result in a game loss for the duration of the season.
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