For the climactic conclusion of the FELFIRE FESTIVAL OF MUSIC AND VENGEANCE, we’re excited to announce the return of the Battlegrounds Brawl! On June 23, from 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. PT, 16 Hearthstone creators will be split into 4 teams—the Southsea Swashbucklers, Bloodsail Buccaneers, Fogsail Freebooters, and Northsea Navigators—each competing for their share of a $200,000 prize pool across 7 rounds of heated Battlegrounds action!
How it Works
Scoring: Two games will be played simultaneously in each round. Points will be awarded at the end of each round to individual competitors based on their placement and added to their team’s total point score.
- 1st place finish = 5 points awarded
- 2nd place finish = 4 points awarded
- 3rd place finish = 2 points awarded
- 4th place finish = 1 point awarded
Prizing: $200,000 in total is up for grabs! Final placement and respective prizing will be determined by each team’s total point score after 7 rounds. Each team’s total number of 1st place finishes will be the primary tiebreaker.
- 1st place team = $20,000 per member
- 2nd place team = $12,500 per member
- 3rd place team = $10,000 per member
- 4th place team = $7,500 per member
Where to Watch
Battlegrounds Brawl: Pirates & Mayhem will be broadcast live on the official Hearthstone Twitch and YouTube channels, with participants streaming their own perspective to their respective channels as well.
Southsea Swashbucklers
Bloodsail Buccaneers
Northsea Navigators
Fogsail Freebooters
Twitch Drops
We’re celebrating the return of the Battlegrounds Brawl with Twitch Drops! On June 23, from 8:30 a.m. - 7:30 p.m. PT, watch 2 hours (consecutive or non-consecutive) of any Hearthstone stream on Twitch to get 1 Ashes of Outland card pack. Watch for 4 total hours to get another one! Watch time accumulates across the entire Hearthstone category, so long as your Battle.net and Twitch accounts are linked.
Before you can receive awards, you'll need to link your Twitch.tv and Battle.net accounts. Here's how:
- Log in or create an account on Twitch.tv.
- Navigate to the Settings menu by clicking your account name in the top-right corner of the home screen.
- Navigate to the Connections tab of the Settings menu.
- Find the Battle.net section, then follow the instructions after selecting a region and clicking Connect.
- When connecting accounts, be sure that you're currently logged into the Battle.net account on which you'd like to receive your rewards.
The official rules for Twitch Drops can be found here.
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