Hearthstone ALLSTAR Update 《爐石戰記》全明星賽賽事說明

Hearthstone ALLSTAR Update 《爐石戰記》全明星賽賽事說明
English Announcement

We've received some questions about internet disconnection issue between Pavel vs Tom60229 in the Hearthstone ALLSTAR on December 8, Taipei time and we would like to take this chance to explain to the community.

According to the rules 4.0 and 5.0, participants need to have a good internet connection in order to connect to the Battle.net service and need to make sure the smoothness and safety of their internet connection. And further according to the rules, if a player is disconnected and cannot re-connect back to that game, and that turn shows that any of the two players will is 100% lethal to win the game in the turn, then the player wins. Otherwise a re-match will happen. In the event of further disconnection, the referee will call a loss to the player who disconnects from the game. These rules are intended to balance the spirit of fair play by providing a chance for re-match, with the need to reach a match result.

In the Round of 8 series, Game 4 between Pavel vs Tom60229, Pavel was first disconnected from the game due to unstable internet connection. Our referee determined that there was not 100% indication that he can finish Tom60229 off in that one turn, thus according to the rule, Referee called for a re-match. Again, in the first Game 7 between Pavel vs Tom60229, Tom60229 was disconnected due to unstable internet connection. The turn did not cross the 100% lethal threshold for any of the two players in that turn, so referee called a re-match again which was agreed by both players.

After the second disconnect, the referee announced to both players that both players have disconnected once, and if a player disconnects again and the turn did not show 100% lethal for any of the two players in that turn, the disconnected player will be called a loss. Both players agreed and restarted Game 7.

In the re-match of Game 7 between Pavel vs Tom60229, Pavel was disconnected again and in that turn Pavel/Tom60229 didn’t have 100% chance to win the game. Thus referee called a loss to Pavel.

This was an unfortunate way to decide a great match between two esteemed players, but we hope our players and fans understand how the results were reached. We are humbled that World Champ Pavel competed in our event, and hope to see him and all competitors participate in our future tournaments. We look forward to epic finals on 12/17.



根據賽事規章4.0與5.0,參賽選手必須自備能連結Battle.net服務的網際網路連線,且為自己的網路安全與順暢負責。若斷線後選手無法回到遊戲中,裁判將以斷線該回合,雙方選手之場面手下與手牌,能夠以 100% 機率將對方英雄血量削減為 0 或以下為判定勝負的基準。若雙方皆無法達成該條件則無條件重賽該局比賽。如果在重賽時再次發生斷線、且該局雙方選手皆無法以100% 機率將對方英雄血量削減為 0 或以下時,則判定斷線方輸。這是為了提供選手重賽機會以維持公平競爭性,並能決定賽事結果的裁決。

在 Pavel vs Tom60229 的第四場對戰中,由於 Pavel 網路不穩斷線,且Pavel在該回合中雖然有優勢,卻無法以 100% 機率將 Tom60229 英雄血量削減為 0 或以下,裁判判定重賽該場對戰。在Pavel vs Tom60229 第一次的第七場對戰中,Tom60229 因網路不穩斷線,且該場次雙方選手皆未能在該回合中顯示任何明顯的絕對勝利,裁判判定重賽該場對戰,且經雙方同意。


Pavel vs Tom60229 的第七場重賽對戰中,Pavel 再次斷線,且該回合中無明顯的絕對勝利條件,因此裁判對 Pavel 做出了戰敗的決定。

對於兩位頂尖選手的精彩對戰,以這樣的裁定結果而決定勝負,我們深感遺憾。但我們希望選手與玩家能瞭解這些決定的過程是如何產生的。對於身為世界冠軍的 Pavel 參加這次的明星賽我們深感榮幸,也希望他與其他的選手能持續參加暴雪未來的賽事。讓我們一起期待12/17史詩級的全明星總決賽。